clothing optional venue
be as naked as mother nature intended

Hamilton Hall is a CLOTHING OPTIONAL HOTEL and you are welcome to be naked throughout the venue.
Hamilton Hall is also THE ONLY hotel in the UK that is MEN ONLY & CLOTHING OPTIONAL - THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE BUILDING - nd throughout the whole year and while there are smaller B&B's that advertise, these are just private homes with no Health & Safety - No Smoke & Fire Central Alarm System and none of the legal requirements for your safety and well being while charging - in some instances - a lot more than we do here and yet have none of the expense involved in offering all the legal requirements as a business rather than a private house with a couple of spare beds.
Why do many Air B&B places charge MORE than local hotels ?
Besides your bedroom, we have numerous 'chill out rooms' downstairs to enjoy and a small garden where you can sunbathe and enjoy an afternoon naked.
This allows a freedom to be yourself and not be self conscious, especially when you realise we are all the same, we all love and hate bits about our bodies and regardless of age, no one is satisfied, we all want bigger, harder, tighter, from 21 - 91 - IT DOESN'T MATTER.
We do ask that you act in a MATURE & RESPONSIBLE MANNER in front of others. Adolescents do not know how to behave and think it fun to show their willy off;- while a sexually mature adult knows when is - and when is not appropriate, and will act accordingly.
If someone is annoying you in some way, please speak to your host or staff member and we will discretely talk with the person and if they are unwilling to change their ways, they may be asked to leave and no refund will be forthcoming. It seems that on occasions, some people are somewhat immature abouyt their nudity and sexuality and seem to assume we are here for rampant sex all over the hotel, and do not realise that being naked means being naked and not up for sex. Every man has a willy and yours - unless it hangs down to your knees, is no difference. Please be grown up and responsible.
Please sit on the towels provided.
We do have guidelines of appropriate behaviour and ask that you do not annoy or pester others, you may be asked to leave and no refund forthcoming.