arrival and
check out times
room sharing
B & B ARRIVAL: Between 11am - 1pm and then 5 - 8pm
Late or early arrivals are fine as long as we have been kept in the loop. No arrivals between 1 - 5pm please Late arrivals with no notice may incur a Late Arrival Charge and if this is after midnight, may be as much as £100.
and we serve dinner at 6pm. The kitchen then closes at 6.30pm so please arrive on time or at least keep us informed if you are going to be late. Late arrival - if available - may incur a £50 late arrival charge so please respect the workload we have - and plan your trip accordingly.
CHECK OUT - By 11am
Late check out may be available - please just ask.
we take dogs
1 dog
1 night - £10 - 2 nights - £15 - 3 nights - £20
2 dogs
1 night - £15 - 2 nights- £20 - 3 nights - £25
Please ensure your poch is house trained and good with other dogs as we have our own German Short Haired pointer named Ella - a bitch who will be 4 in October 2023 and is a real gem.
Any little presents left for us are for you to clean up and any damage caused is to be paid for.
meal times
meal times
When requesting a Room Share with strangers, we do not know who is who and it is random choice. You may hope for Brad Pitt or Hugh Jackman and I feel you may not get either.
Be considerate when asking, or when being offered, a shared room if you know you snore like a train. Be thoughtful and considerate of others. If we have complaints and someone has to be moved ( if we have rooms / beds available ) you will be charged even if it is not you who is moved.
If sharing a room - DO NOT sit and watch your room mate sleep - DO NOT keep putting the lights on and off and please DO NOT, as one guy did one night, he took a take-away Indian curry to the room at something like 3am where he promptly spilt half on the carpet with the lights full on, stinking out the room and burped and farted for the next hour... and his inconsiderate manner was breathtaking. Absolutely no consideration for anyone other than himself. If you are reported to us as misbehaving, you will be asked to be more considerate of others.
If you can find me another men only hotel venue that offers better bedrooms;- better facilities;- a better atmosphere;- better food;- and generally better all round - and is compartitively priced to us and is clothing optional - has a web site we can view and is better than us - then after examination if we agree, we will refund your stay up to 60 days after you were here.
Hamilton Hall is fully equipped for your protection with full fire doors and central smoke detectors throughout ( not just small battery things ) as 5 STAR GOLD for health and hygiene from the local council - and we pay hundreds a year just to be able to play music - and with Business Insurance, Business Rates - and even paying to have the garbage taken away as a business, we are not a house with a couple of spare rooms that take a few B&B guests and do not offer all the legal requirements of a business while charging as much IF NOT MORE THAN US - and we do not overcharge for dinner because we can - and what we do offer is a very lovely hotel retreat exclusively for men that you will wish to return to over and over again.

I can just hear them now : -
Jesus:- ' Sit down guys and stop teasing Mary, I want her sitting on my right, and the food will be here soon - and stop arguing about the wine, it's Merlot and that's that. Peter - Stop shouting and Thomas what do you mean you doubt the wine is any good, and Judas, you seem a bit flush with money tonight, you had a win on the horses ? '
Voice from off stage - 'Okay food is up. Who ordered the pork chops ?'
Monday - Saturday - 8 - 10am
Sunday - 9 -11am
£20 - 2 cources with wine and ground coffee inclusive.
Book in the morning. Cooked fresh every day. Pay your server.
Easter - End of September -6pm
October - Easter - 6pm
Special events may differ in meal times.
Breakfast is inclusive with the largest Continental Counter you will find in any hotel at the price. Over 35 teas, numerous juices and fruit, etc. and 15 different cereals and porridge as well as tons of toasts with a dozen marmalades, jams and MARMITE... yummy...
A full cooked menu is available and is priced very fairly and is cooked to order. Please order in the morning and pay your server.
Vegan & Gluten Free Diets will incur a £20 a day extra charge if having dinner.
discounts offered
To receive an e mail from us periodically offering DISCOUNTED PRICES NOT AVAILABLE ON THE SITE - Register on the Home Page with your name and e mail address HOME PAGE
as nature intended
Hamilton Hall is a CLOTHING OPTIONAL HOTEL and you are welcome to be naked throughout the venue. This allows a freedom to be yourself and not be self conscious, especially when you realise we are all the same, we all love and hate bits about our bodies and regardless of age, no one is satisfied, we all want bigger, harder, tighter, from 21 - 91 - IT DOESN'T MATTER.
We do ask that you act in a MATURE & RESPONSIBLE MANNER - in front of others. Adolescents do not know how to behave and think it fun to show their willy off;- while a sexually mature adult knows when is - and when is not approp[riate, and will act accordingly.
Please sit on the towels provided.
We do have guidelines of appropriate behaviour and ask that you do not annoy or pester others.
free breaks
We offer free breaks for those on benefits and who need a few days away and are HIV+ or the elderly. We have been stung a few times and need some verification from you, and the THT and the EJF badly let themselves down when we approached them and were appalled at their attitude so do not, under any circumstances, go through them. If you contact us directly and please be open and honest about why you feel you are worthy of a few days to a week away, with BB&EM and all for free, and we may ask for some verification of benefits and not just because you are hung over and want a free holiday as it does not work that way. This is offered from the heart of John Bellamy - for no other reason than it is the decent and thoughtful thing to offer, and it is a shame more venues were less profit driven and more people motivated.
how to find us
for directions from glastonbury cornwall, devon, bath, bristol etc. CLICK HERE
Follow signs leaving London on the M3 - heading to Kew & Richmond and follow the signs onto the M3. After an hour follow signs for Bournemouth onto the M27. After 30 minutes or so the road will take you left after Ringwood onto the A338 which takes you into Bournemouth.
After you pass a bridge with a WELCOME TO BOURNEMOUTH sign on, you will go over a fly over - and then there is a speed camera - and a little while up here you will come to a huge roundabout - BARE LEFT PAST ASDA to another roundabout. STRAIGHT OVER and to yet ANOTHER ROUND ABOUT. TURN LEFT.
6th turning on the left is HAMILTON ROAD.
Up there on the right hand side on the corner of Carysfort Road is Hamilton Hall.
On an average day it is just under a 2 hour drive although with traffic and road works, please allow more time.
From the Asda roundabout, it is about a 5 minute drive.
quiet area
free parking
Unlike Blackpool or Brighton where parking is costly and a long walk from where you are staying and you have to feed the meter all the time, Hamilton Hall has its own CAR PARK and there is free parking on the road outside as long as you wish.
Unlike some town centre hotels that are close to 'The Triangle' - the gay area which is noisy all night with sirens, car horns, coaches and in one instance two massive new hotels and an apartment building - with all the coming and going and noise from hundreds of guests and cabs etc. is just over the road, while Hamilton Hall is just a 10 minute drive from the centre of town and in a peaceful area, just a 5 minute walk from the sea and shops. .
Hamilton Hall is a
WE are not affilliated to any business, charitable organisation, corporate power, reigious ideology, city slicker or anything. Hamilton Hall is owned and operated by John Bellamy and tons of long days of hard work and all monies garnered through workshops, B&B and all that we offer here, is plied back into the venue offering new beds and bedding and keeping the whole place ship-shape and as you would exopect to find it. Too many people take as much money out of their business and in the meantime it gets run down, tacky and second rate - BUT NOT HAMILTON HALL.
John does not take a wage while working on average 12 - 15 hours a day - 7 days a week - all year - and we offer tons of week(ends) to those with HIV and / or the elderly FOR FREE. This is designed to help those less fortunate and although on benefits, cannot afford a few days away but would benefit from a change of scenery. We put a huge amount back into the community for those less fortunate with pleasure and from the heart. The astounding thing is - we get hate mail from gay men who throw major abuse at us for what we do and this sends a very loud message about how unsupportive the gay community can be and how there will always be those who resent, are jealous and resentful and especially those who envy. It's a compliment to me actually.
not for profit venue

YOU WILL find dust. YOU WILL find pet hairs. YOU MIGHT find a pube in your shower and as I am not asking you to lick it when
all you have to do is simply rinse it down. No need for a neurotic hissy fit. No need to start crying. No need to be a drama queen when we have all seen and experienced a bit of dust sometimes and while Hamilton Hall is kept clean and tidy, some things may be overlooked and BIG DEAL - get over it.
My lover once complained I used his toothbrush and said it was unhealthy - after just spending an hour rimming my ass. Makes no sense and makes him look foolish.
If you want to attend our SPECIAL WEEKEND on this... READ HERE
If you have a disability you feel may cause you a problem / distress / concern during your stay with us , PLEASE INFORM US IN ADVANCE and we will do whatever we can to help make your stay as comfortable as possible.
Deaf - Hearing Problems
Blind - Bad eye sight
Mental Health problems
Physically handicapped
Mentally handicapped
Innapropriate behavioural problems
or any disability I have not menioned - and I am sure you will tell me if I have missed yours out - it really is up to you or your carer to inform us in advance.
Many find Hamilton Hall to be very therapitic and healing of mind, body and soul, but we DO NOT OFFER CARER SERVICE. If you do need a carer or have one at home, please arrange for your carer to attend with you. There is only so much we are capable of doing, legally insured to do, trained to do, and willing to do,
We cater for the individual and also have to be aware of the group setting and if one person is causing a problem for the group, then that person will be spoken to. If they cannot change their behaviour then they may be asked to leave and no refund offered.
WEe offer a very broad minded approach to life, love and the universe but will not tollerate obnoxious attitudes, rudeness, arrogance and belitteling of others. Everyone is worthy and everyone is valid.
Believe me when I tell you, we have had a few here who have been vile vile vile from the moment they walked in the door and their manner sends a loud message of an unhappy soul who seems unable to see the light. I will always try - in whatever way I can, but if they are unable or unwilling to 'lighten up' and be a little more pleasant, then only on a couple of occasions in 15 years - I have had to ask people to leave.
In a peaceful location with no night clubs letting out at 3am - no building site opposite - no taxi queues and kebab cafes with rowdy customers, just peace and quiet and although in a subrub of Bournemouth where there is bound to be the occasional noise, it is very rare.
LOST KEYS - will be charged at £25 per key either lost or at least, not returned to us when you leave. Our Security Sytem is very expensive and is in place for your protection and privacy and if you take a key - you will be charged against your credit / debitcard used to make the booking .
We do not discriminate against disabilities or judge you according to your disability as we see you as a human being and not a disability and it does help us if we at least know in advance, if - and only if - you think it may cause you concern during your visit. Otherwise I believe that if you are dyslexic - or if you have arthritis etc. this is your own and very personal concern and not for every Tom, Dick and Harry to keep pestering you with asking about it all the time, especially as there is bugger all I can do for you if you are....
If you have a problem with wetting the bed, then obviously, we can take precautions and need to be informed in advance, as any damage is to be paid for. However, most of the other disabilities listed;- there is very little we can do to assist - so what's the point in telling us ???
We cannot be held responsible if you have not informed us of a health problem or disability in advance and it then becomes a problem for you.
PLEASE BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN WELL BEING. I know it's not fashionable to take personal responsibility but at Hamilton Hall, that's exactly how we work. If you are not responsible for your own actions, then who is...??? Certainly not me.
By paying for a reservation you are entering a legally binding contract between yourselves and Hamilton Hall and agree to our Terms & Conditions and accept that Hamilton Hall, it's managemnt and staff are not responsible for your health and well being. We have taken extra precautions against the Covid 19 virus and anyone could be responsible for bringing it into the venue or into any of our lives - and Hamilton Hall is not responsible for this. We clean, We disinfect. We bleach. We do more than instructed and go way beyond our 'normal' cleaning to help keep us all healthy and safe. You are part of this as much as we are and we rely on YOU to offer a professional, thoughtful, common sense approach to social distancing and the maintenance of well being for everyone.
more on disabilities
Good Health & Well Being.