Hamilton Hall is in Solidarity with Ukraine
Hamilton Hall is in Solidarity with Ukraine Hamilton Hall strongly condemns Russia's invasion of Ukraine and joins other human rights...

designed to make you smile.
There are certain things in life that are guaranteed to make most people smile, cry, laugh and go all gooey inside, and that's animals. ...

Lent is an important season in the Christian calendar as they prepare for Easter by observing 40 days of Lent, replicating Jesus Christ’s...

entitled women are the worst.
We have all met them. SNOWFLAKES or those who have a misplaced feeling of ENTITLEMENT to which they are not entitled to anything at all....

Escape to the Chateau
With Dick and Angel Strawbridge I started watching this programme during the first lockdowns back in 2019 as it is on at a time when I...

He / She / It / Me / They / Them - Oh it's fucking confusing.
John. I considered this for a while and thought you might like a little piece I found and added to for your Blog. Derrick J. Why do you...

Hairy Men - X RATED

'Free Again' - A song for Covid
Here is a Streisand song from 1966 called 'Free Again' and with just a very few tweeks, speaks to us as we come out from under the fear...