Is America the 'world's greatest democracy'? It doesn't even crack the top 50 in 2022
Chauncey Devega, Salon Nations are built on myths and lies — mixed, of course, with bits of the truth. The United States is no different,...

Asylum animals rescued from the Ukrainian warhead arrive safely in Estonia today
Rescue operation of invisible animals in Ukraine The Animal Welfare Organization 'Invisible Animals' made history in Estonian animal...

Help for gay refugees from Ukraine
Hamilton Hall has offered a FREE TWIN / DOUBLE ROOM for 6 months or more to the government department looking to house refuges from...

A powerful moving story of love between men in a time of great horrors
In post-war Germany, liberation by the Allies does not mean freedom for everyone. Hans is imprisoned again and again under Paragraph 175,...

What is a twink ?
In the early days of gay life back in the 60's - 80's a young gay man was known as a CHICKEN. Now he is known as a TWINK. Twink is gay...

Who is second class, men or women ?

Ed Sheeran OH WHY vs Sami Switch OH WHY
Ed Sheeran OH WHY vs Sami Switch OH WHY Ed Sheeran has been accused multiple times of ripping off other peoples music and using it as his...

He was on the run from the police and went on telly - and then wondered how the police found him
Filmed November 2009 and first broadcast April 2010, this first series of the programme which went on to become a very popular viewed...

You have 2 hours notice to leave, what would you take?
A powerful and emotional piece by John Bellamy imagining what we would go through having just a couple of hours to get some things...

Some times we need to see things from a different perspective.
As with most things in life, we only usually see one side of things and then judge accordingly when - in fact - we have only seen one...

Russian cleric blames fear of 'gay parades' for Putin's attack on Ukraine
Fear of gays is only a fear of themselves. If you are secure in your sexuality you have no reason to fear or persecute anyone at all. ...

You have to laugh - or cry !
I appreciate it is not really very funny and yet it really is hilariously funny when you look at the bigger picture. The former president...