Oh dear- It's Eurovision as we know it - NULS POINTS.
A politically charged finale also saw Israel booed and the Dutch entrant expelled. It had camp - it had boring - it had tons of songs...
Randy Rainbow for President & more
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXwB6qEyEQA&ab_channel=RandyRainbow Randy Rainbow - and yes that's his real name, is an American comic of...
'Are you going to have a restful day ?'
Today a guest at breakfast, who has been here now for around a month, asked if I was going to have a restful day - something inside...
'trans guys are hotter' - oh really ???
Trans are in fashion. Every newspaper, every headline, almost everything you read these days that is not war connected, mentions trans...
Men for May - and I don't mean Terisa.
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newsey stuff of interest
After a few decades of forward thinking, it looks like more and more countries are going backwards in their LGBT view of things and many...
fake or real / dressed or undressed.
What do you think, are some of these fake - perhaps ? HOME PAGE BLOG HOME PAGE DIARY OF EVENTS copyright © 2023 Hamilton Hall...
True and funny at the same time.
A German tourist jumped in the freezing water and saved this lady`s precious little dog. Upon getting back on the pier, he checked her...
new and old, can you tell the difference.
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Religion V Spirituality - truths and funnies
I found this piece above - on line - and it - kinda - answers all the questions people commonly ask. HOME PAGE BLOG HOME PAGE DIARY OF...
Was Jesus asexual & are angels nonbinary?
Was Jesus asexual & are angels nonbinary? This history expert says absolutely. "Heaven" - according to Jesus, "is a non binary paradise.'...
It's been a hard couple of weeks, as this computer has started to play up and the simplest task that should take me 20 minutes is taking...