Are you mentally strong or a cry baby ?
Here is a list of things that mentally strong people do. I studied it at length to figure out if I was mentally strong - or not - and...

What would you do ? 2 stories for you to comment on.
As I have mentioned before, I am often in email correspondence with guys in Russia... and over the years have had as many as a dozen and...

The Muslim invasion - & Naked Muslim men - a mixed bag of hot men and those who rape children.
I don't know who this father is but I certainly agree with his sentiment. SCROLL DOWN FOR AN INTIMATE LOOK AT MUSLIM MEN. Day after day I...

thoughtful stories
Waiting in line to pay for groceries while maintaining a 6ft distance, this man cut in line. He didn't appear to notice what he’d done....

older is sometimes better
Had an elderly man in his mid 70's moaning he never had sex as no one ever answered his profile on the various sites. I checked out one...

A horny afternoon naked by the lake.
I was walking by the lake on a gloriously hot sunny day and came across this man standing naked in the water, facing me, eyes shut, arms...

Naked drive across America.
I was in my late 20's and driving a rented truck from Nebraska to Massachusetts, a journey of some thousands of miles and in the high...

No one has to go along with this weird shit.
All this does is separate. It given people an excuse to attach another label to themselves. To be different. To stand out. To identify...

I'm So Offended
There will always be those amongst you who will be offended. Do not take it personally. In fact, if someone tells you - you have offended...

The Trump Assassination Attempt by Michael Shrimpton
There is no way that Thomas Crooks was acting alone when he tried to assassinate President Donald Trump in Butler, PA yesterday. It is...

Did you ever sell sex ?
Your e mails answering 'DID YOU EVER SELL SEX ?' Dear John: I have read your newsletter for 2 years and recently watched your YouTube...

How can the British cope living in the UK
How can the British cope living in the UK with the awful weather, the poorly built homes with the ugly wallpapers, the awful food, and...