In Your Prime
This is aimed at those between 25 and 45 years of age. While I know this will not be a lot of our readers, it still applies as an '...
Billy Holiday & Florynce Kennedy
Florynce "Flo" Kennedy: The Life of a Black Feminist Radical' by Sherie M. Randolph. Billie Holiday had many legal troubles during her...
Do Non Christians Go To Hell ?
Do non-Christians go to hell? This article below I was sent by someone from the internet - and my answer is below in red... The truth...
True - serious - funnies...
SADLY, THE ABOVE JOKE IS SO VERY TRUE. FORGIVE ME, MOMMY đ˘đžâŚ I stayed where you left me for two whole days, lying right by the side of...
IGNORE THOSE IN CHARGE - and more news...
This man's name is Rick Rescorla. 22 years ago, Rick disobeyed orders, & saved 2700 lives. Rick was the head of security for Morgan...
Not your porn star bodies or dicks.
G iven a choice of butter or marge, you choose butter. Given a choice of a BMW or a Mini - most would choose the BMW. Given a choice of...
Palm Springs & San Francisco for Christmas
Dear John HERE ARE A COUPLE OF YOUR E MAILS - and although we received over 100 e mails and cards etc wishing us well, and thanks to...
Men to snuggle up to on a cold January afternoon / evening.
I awoke this morning to the sound of the pouring rain beating against the roof and the windows as I slumbered in my warm and cosy bed...
If offended by our jokes, tough shit.
My New Years Resolution is that I 'I will never go out of my way to offend, annoy or antagonise anyone deliberately.' HOWEVER ;- If...