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16 Phrases That Quickly Tick Off Millennials

Story by Manifest Life Now

Looking to tick off a millennial really quickly? Or maybe you’re finding that millennials are ticked off when you’re around? Are you saying the following 16 phrases when you’re speaking to them? The 16 phrases below can upset millennials quicker than you probably think!

1. Your Generation is Lazy

When millennials hear this phrase, they get upset really quickly, and for good reason too. This phrase is very generalised and broad. It’s as if someone is labeling every millennial without knowing very much about each one. While some millennials may be lazy, it’s equally possible that some baby boomers are as well. Pointing this out about the entire generation is completely unnecessary, and millennials are tired of hearing it.

2. Back in my Day

“Back in my day, I could go to the corner store and buy a bag of chips and a bottle of coke for twenty-five cents.” That’s great for you, but that’s just not how it is in the present day. Inflation is soaring, the cost of living is unreasonable, and many people have to work multiple jobs to make ends meet. Pointing out how things were in the past is unnecessary and insensitive.

3. You Don’t Understand the Value of Hard Work

This statement is very broad and rude and won’t accomplish whatever you’re hoping to accomplish. It’s as if you’re saying that millennials don’t work hard, and many millennials would disagree. What hard work looks like may have changed and evolved over the years, but that doesn’t mean that millennials don’t know what it is or the value of it.

4. You Just Need to Save Your Money

If financial burdens could be solved that easily, everyone would be doing it. Millennials are faced with an unstable economy, unaffordable housing, a rising cost of living, retail stores taking advantage of the situation and using shrinkflation as a tactic to increase profits, and so much more. Many millennials simply don’t have money after their bills are paid and groceries are bought to put away and save. This phrase makes it sound like it’s a no-brainer, and sure, it’s great to save your money, but what happens if there’s no money to save?

5. You’re too Sensitive.

Pointing this out to a millennial will likely get you a dirty look or fighting words coming at you. Pointing out someone’s sensitivity is unacceptable. It can make them feel really down on themselves, not good enough, and like something is wrong with them. Millennials are far more in touch with their emotions than boomers, and this could be why this phrase seems so normal for boomers but so rude to millennials. It also quietly implies that sensitivity is a negative thing.

6. Just Buy a House

Well, if it’s just that simple, maybe we should buy a vacation house too while we’re at it! The phrase “just buy a house” implies that getting into the real estate market is simple and effortless, which are both incorrect. The economy is vastly different than it was when baby boomers were getting into the housing market, and that’s something that they need to think about and acknowledge. If buying a house were just that simple, more millennials would be doing it.

7. Is That Even a Real Job

This phrase irritates millennials, and for good reason too. What exactly is a real job? Are there qualifications for it? Millennials have paved the way into digital careers, and many are misunderstood by previous generations. However, if millennials are able to be self-sustaining and keep up in an ever-changing financial world, then what is the problem? Of course, they have real jobs. They’re just jobs that the previous generations don’t understand. 

8. Social Media is Ruining Everything.

Wrong again, my friend. People are the ones behind social media. Saying “social media is ruining everything” is so broad and doesn’t actually hold anyone or anything accountable. It’s like an empty complaining statement that every millennial is tired of hearing.

9. You’ll Understand When You’re Older

This phrase may be the most triggering of all. It’s quite dismissive and is quietly saying that you’re not capable of understanding in this moment where you’re at right now. It can be taken as rude and insensitive. 

10. You’re Entitled

No one likes to hear that they’re entitled, but especially not millennials. Millennials have had to pave their way in a world filled with greed, corporate self-interest, and money-hungry people. 

11. When Are You Having Kids

A little side note here: this is a question you shouldn’t be asking anyone. Many people have fertility and reproductive struggles that make carrying babies challenging or even impossible. The question “When are you having kids?” can be very triggering and upsetting, and for good reason too. When people choose to start their families, it should be entirely up to them, and they shouldn’t have to answer to anyone about it.

12. That’s Not How the Real World is

Well, what world are millennials living in then? The “real world” is subjective and changes its meaning depending on who is saying what. Just because the older generation doesn’t agree with millennials choices does not mean that millennials don’t understand how the world is. 

13. Because I Said So

Does anyone like hearing this phrase? I’m sure if a millennial said it to the older generation, they also wouldn’t like it. It doesn’t offer any reasoning or justification. 

14. When I Was Your Age

Yes, Grandpa we know.  When you were our age, you were married, owned a home, and had 4 kids. The older generation needs to start understanding that times have changed and everyone should be allowed to live their authentic life without judgment.

15. Grow Up

Thank you, but that’s exactly what we’re trying to do. 

16. You Have It So Easy

This statement is bold and unfair. It’s not taking into account all the societal, political, economic, and health issues millennials are facing daily. There may be things about modern living that seem easier than what life was when previous generations were growing up, but you have to stop and really think about it. It’s not easier now than it was. It’s just different. 

The Takeaway

These 16 phrases are sure to upset millennials really quickly. Many of them are insensitive and don’t actually reflect what life is like for this generation. They are broad statements, and older generations think they can be applied anywhere, but this isn’t correct. If you’re not wanting to tick off the millennials in your life, these are 16 phrases you need to stop using immediately.


Every generation finds fault with the next generation ' coming up' and think they have it all too easy. Growing up in the 50's and 60's = our parents were brought up around bomb sites whereas we were raised with play grounds, They had sirens going at nights and running for the shelter for protection, we had none of that. Yet my Grandparents often said that it was the most exciting of times and how they missed those days - and considering the horror and torment that many faced, this attitude leaves a lot to be desired but it was true, that ' coming together' to fight a common enemy brought people closer together and that ' family' attitude prevailed unlike today.

I read somewhere that 80% of millennials are afraid of face t face conversation as most of what they do is ' on line.' and that is troubling.


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