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2025 Economic Outlook. Vedic Astrology

Gary O'Toole

Mar 16iderea

The current Venus retrograde in Pisces acts as if debilitated, sending the stock market 'crashing'. What's up ahead seems even more interesting, as Mars joins the south node in sidereal Leo, respecting Saturn and Neptune in Pisces come June/July.

Based on the historical correlations, a Mars-Ketu conjunction raises a red flag for market instability. While this alone doesn’t guarantee a crash, it has historically coincided with major downturns: 1929, 1987, 1992, 2000, 2018, 2020, and 2021.

Further ahead, Saturn meets with Uranus and Ketu in Taurus by 2030, when we may see even bigger economic challenges and changes. Once Jupiter returns to Capricorn, where Pluto awaits, in 2032, if the economy hasn’t had a complete overhaul by then, it may have no choice but to change drastically at this point.​

Jupiter in Cancer by the end of 2025 is not as hopeful as it may appear. It only makes it to the first degree of the sign and then retrogrades back from its opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, which continues to dismantle the current 'world order'.

Whatever is initiated in 2025, we're only getting a peak into what is possible

March 18, 2025 – April 20, 2032

This transit is a major shift. The last time Uranus moved through sidereal Taurus (1941–1948), the world underwent profound upheaval (WW2, India-Pakistan partition), reshaping what we now consider normal. A similar transformation is likely in our modern age, though in different ways.

Taurus represents stability, security, and resources—both personal and global. It governs diplomatic agreements, economic systems, and the foundations of family and community. Uranus, the planet of disruption, will challenge these structures, ushering in a new world order with innovations and upheavals that redefine everything we thought would never change. Many will struggle with these changes, and massive displacement is a real possibility.

In the U.S. Independence chart (1776), Uranus will move through the 7th house of relationships, signalling shifts in global alliances and trade. But we've already seen this, right? Yes, Uranus already peaked into Taurus last year. Now that it's moving in properly, we're more likely to see an even bigger impact on resources.

Donald Trump initiated trade wars as Uranus stationed direct at the last degree of Aries. Of course, the full impact will take years to unfold. Just like Rahu, Uranus accelerates progress at head-spinning rates at times, often without considering long-term consequences.

With AI driving technological revolutions and economic conflicts escalating, we must hope these transformations remain within manageable bounds. However, history warns us that Uranus in Taurus can strip away security, just as it did in the 1940s.

One possible stabilizing influence is Venus' retrograde in Pisces, forming a mutual exchange with Jupiter in Taurus alongside Uranus. This may calm the initial shock, leading to more cooperation. Yet, unexpected disruptions are inevitable as Venus moves in and out of different signs over the years.

June 2025 is a particularly troublesome month, as Venus transits Aries while Mars meets with the south node in Leo, respecting Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. This is likely to start big upheavals in terms of money, resources, energy and power supplies around the world.

During Uranus' transit through Taurus, expect a change in whatever area Taurus governs in your chart. Clinging to the past will only lead to disappointment. Adaptability is key—more so now than ever.

Jupiter in Taurus also helps calm Uranus' initial impulse to wreak things; at least until mid-May, when it then moves into Gemini.

Read more about Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus in this article


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