25th Anniversary
by John Bellamy
I have been at Hamilton Hall - on March 30th 2025 - for 25 years. April 18th I shall be 70.
April 30th I arrived back in the UK 40 years ago after living in the USA.
And right back at the beginning here at Hamilton Hall, I never gave it much thought about the long term plan here, I just - as I always have - I just went with the flow and trusted.
I was right to trust as Hamilton Hall has become quite an institution - a well known venue - a ' one of a kind' within gay venues and some place where people can feel safe and supported, which is rare and unusual in the dog eat dog, knife you in the back typical gay community with about as much support and nurture for others as a shark attacking its dinner.
Here are some of the workshop and special events hosted over the years:- ALL EXCLUSIVELY MEN ONLY.
Tantric Sex Indian Head Massage
Full Body Massage
ReBirthing DaVinci Cide - One step beyond the book Cock & Ball
Naked Chill Out
Vacuum Pumping
Dog walking Weekend
Over 50's
Survive The Sex Industry
A Prostitutes Weekend
Be better at sex, learn from a pro.
Crystal Skull
Automatic Writing
Burn Out Recovery
Eurovision Spiritual Virgins
Conversations With God
Valentines Events
Cabaret / Karaoke
Sci Fi Events
A Course in Miracles Inner Spiritual Healing Interconnected Breathing for Inner Well Being
Red Weekends
Well Hung Weekends
Bears Events
Turkey & Tinsel
Circle Jerk Events
Movie weekends
Dinner Party Sundays
Men Only Coffee Mornings
Gay Mens Naturist events
Days Out in Glastonbury
Photographic Weekend
Learn from a Sex Guru
Gay Mens Journey
Christmas & Naked New Year.
No person or organisation comes even vaguely close to what we have offered and all as a NOT FOR PROFIT VENUE.
A long with scores and scores of FREE WEEKENDS and FREE WEEK PERIODS for those in need, those on benefits who desperately need a few days away - FOR FREE - and with all meals provided. Those coming out of hospital with no one to look after them. Those in Lock Down during Covid. Anyone looking for a hiding place for a few days to recover, relax and reclaim their self will and power - and all for FREE... as we feel the pain and we have experienced the frustration and not knowing where to turn and sometimes, just a few days away with a supportive and therapeutic environment - can clear away the cob webs and allow for a clear vision of where and what to do next.
Who else goes as far ?
Who else offers as much.
Who else is as human and not so corporate all the time.
Hamilton Hall. 25 years young and still going strong.
All these and more have been hosted by John Bellamy over the last 25 years and some worked very well and still are available decades later while some lasted just once or twice and then faded from view. Some things work and some things do not and some times when people ask for a specific workshop weekend AND THEN DO NOT BOTHER TO ATTEND - stops any further application to what you want as to what we are prepared to do.
We have had our haters. Oh have we had our haters, and mostly through JEALOUSY, ENVY AND RESENTMENT that someone else is doing what they would love to do and all they can do is bitch and pull apart. Which is sad for them and a compliment to me.
If you are willing to give up everything you have worked hard for, for decades and invest your life's work and savings in a brand new venture, and take a massive risk in your mid 40's, and if and when you open your doors, I will always be there to offer assistance, support and advice, and I will always be there to congratulate.
We have customers who have been coming here since day one - so for nearly 25 years - and we have customers from all over the world who - when in the UK - always come and stay as - quite simply - many love it here.
Hamilton Hall has been on TV - globally - many times. It is probably the most mentioned gay venue in the UK and the most loved and hated at the same time.
Having been ill this last couple of years and been hospitalised for a fortnight - quite seriously ill, I am pulling back from many of the 18 hour days I facilitated during many workshop weekends and I am applying more time for myself and easier workshop weekends where my workload is less demanding and I can enjoy without the stress and since lockdown I have started to enjoy my evenings in front of the telly - which is something for the last 40 years I have been unable to do as I worked most evenings and I LOVE the restful time - feet up, cup of tea, maybe Woody and I sharing a Netflix series together, and it is joyous.
The last 25 years have had their ups and downs and like anyone else, I have survived and unlike so very many, I LOVE LOVE LOVE WHAT I DO and the freedom and the style and the manner in which Hamilton Hall has evolved under my guidance and love every minute of it - which sadly, not many can say about their jobs.
We meet a huge array of people from all walks of life and we have made some life long friends and some have spent the last few months of their lives here - enjoying some peace and madness at the end - and it is such a reward to be included in their ' end of life' and to know that we brought something special into their lives at the end that was powerful, joyous and rewarding, for all concerned.
It is emotional looking back and remembering the many people and faces that spring to mind and those who are no longer with us - too many to name here, and with thanks. I have great gratitude to the Universe for allowing me the honour of owning and running such a venue and for the life journey is has offered me.
With thanks also to you all for coming on this journey with me.
John Bellamy
copyright © 2024
Hamilton Hall Productions.
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1 Carysfort Road
Dorset BH14EJ