Some of the madness to hit the news this week. I swear, I MUST be from another planet as these humans, I godda tell you , so many are such fucking morons and I have nothing this week on Trump, as I guess you could do with a week away from Mr. Orange. Well, just one exception below....
John Bellamy
Conservative writer who accused drag queens of “grooming” kids arrested for child molestation
The self-professed Christian philosopher was arrested for molesting a child under the age of 12
MAGA fanatic holds infant hostage in shootout while posting about “pedos” & “transgenders”
He allegedly assaulted the 18-year-old mother of his 4-week-old child and then claimed troopers were arresting him because he opposes gay marriage.
SNP to consider banning cats -
(JB - As if there are not more important things to do in politics than banning cats )

SNP ministers are to consider banning pet cats, in a bid to protect birds and other wildlife.
An official report for the Scottish Government suggests establishing containment zones where residents can be forced to keep their pets indoors, or stopped from owning them altogether.
The report claims that domestic cats have a “significant impact on wildlife populations” as they hunt for fun, torture prey through play, and bring maimed animals home to their owners.
Dear John: I don’t give a Rats who this offends, but I stand by it. War is coming, sooner or later! You the Government!! You are all a bunch of cowards! You raised the cost of living so high that both parents are always at work, rather than spending time with their children (single parents stand no chance). You took God out of schools. Parents were told 'No you can't discipline your kids'. Well, now most of those kids are rude and out of control. You shall reap what you sow! We have taken a whole generation and turned them into selfish, entitled brats who have no respect for people, property or authority! You deem people with terminal illnesses and some with only a few months to live…fit for work!!! You allow our veterans of war to go homeless and hungry but give out millions to foreign aid!!! You save drug addicts over and over again but refuse to give free diabetic supplies to those who need them to stay alive. You bend over backwards to be politically correct, too scared to say enough is enough, in case you offend someone. You put the retirement age up so people must work until they drop. You take care of prisoners and give them everything under the sun (food, medical, education, representation, money, rehabilitation) yet you cause the elderly, those that have paid their debt to society and their families, to go broke caring for them either at home or in a nursing home... THINGS NEED TO CHANGE!
Copy & paste if you have the guts!
I’m betting most of my friends have the guts. David B.
Lesbian cop faced years of degrading harassment. She just won a huge settlement.
Her boss regularly asked, "Who's mowing the grass?" in reference to her sex life.

Stop using the word ‘passenger’, Network Rail tells staff
Story by Janet Eastham

Network Rail has told staff to stop using the word “passengers”.
The company that maintains Britain’s railways has issued new guidance to employees asking them to use less formal language in a bid to reduce customer frustration at train delays and cancellations.
Words including “purchase”, “obtain” and “rest assured” have all been axed from the company’s official lexicon.
Instead of “passenger,” staff are advised to use the word “you”, a neutral term that avoids assumptions about gender.
Gender-specific language is discouraged in general and “pregnant women” should now be called “pregnant people”, while “mother” and “father” should both be replaced with “parent”.
The new approach is outlined in a 134-page document.
( Woke Madness gone Fucking Crazy. So I am a ' you' on a train or a plane - right ? Makes absolutely no sense at all. You ARE a passenger. Period. )
‘This will kill tourism’ UK visitor charge met with fury from locals and tourists
Story by Devon Live readers & Claire Elliott & Cyann Fielding

Holidaymakers heading to South Devon's popular spots like Salcombe and Dartmouth will have to shell out more for parking than locals, following a contentious decision by a local council to implement a two-tier parking system.
The move, which allows residents eligible for a £5 permit offering parking discounts, has sparked outrage among Devon Live readers who fear it could deter visitors. Despite the backlash, South Hams Council is banking on the increased parking fees — the first rise since April 2021 — to boost its revenue.
However, the decision hasn't been without its detractors. Town councils and business groups have warned that the higher charges and additional costs for tourists could put off potential visitors to South Hams.
JB Comments: The vast majority of income earned for these small towns up and down the cast is from tourism, and then here they are, killing the beast that feeds them. I appreciate tourism that is out of control needs some controls put in place but do not fuck over the tourists as if they stop coming, then you really are fucked. Avery shop, café, hotel, B&B and tourist attraction and even car parks and petrol sold, TO TOURISTS - helps your village / small town stay alive and current and not slide into obscurity and oblivion, as happens and HAS happened to hundreds of small villages up and down the country and where there is little infrastructure any more as the population ages and there is less money available.
Don't kill the chicken that lays the golden egg....
He can’t drive a car. He needs help to walk down a slightly inclined ramp. He thinks photo ID is required to buy groceries. He thinks sales of pork products have ended in America. He has a rancid stank because he doesn’t shower regularly. If a teleprompter fails, he goes from the words of his handlers to his own and that’s when he starts telling us the Continental Army was named after George Washington and that they “rammed the ramparts” and “took over the airports” during the American Revolution, which Trump thinks was the War of 1812.Or something. Can you imagine that dope in a kitchen trying to cook?
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