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men don't have a clue ....

"My husband and I became parents, but not to the same extent!

My husband continued his work, I did not.

My husband still makes money, I make zero.

My husband keeps his hobbies, I can't go out without someone asking me who I left the baby with ?!

My husband sleeps soundly every night while I nurse or rock the baby.

My husband wakes up in the morning saying he had a good night's rest, while my eyes droop from exhaustion after a sleepless night.

My husband takes a quiet shower, while I am escorted every time and forced to finish in five minutes.

My husband has kept in touch with all his friends, while I don't even know the last time I talked to anyone.

He, after finishing his eight hours of work, sits relaxed on the sofa, while I never finish my work as a mother, wife, woman (who sits at home and does nothing.)

My husband is not fighting the pregnancy weight, let alone the birth experience…

No, we are not equal in rights as parents as long as I have given up my life altogether! Society fails to recognize that parenting is a full-time, unpaid job that is more demanding than any other job.

Now I am more empathetic with other women, mothers.

For years I criticized them and called them maintained, when throughout history they were and are the ones that keep humanity alive.

We must take care of the mother as she takes care of the baby!"


When I was a sex worker - a great deal of what was needed was to listen.

The sex was one thing but in many instances they would spill out all sorts of personal problems occurring ' at home' and I would take time out of my day to sit them down with a cuppa, and counsel them accordingly.


Not A CLUE IN HELL - about what really goes on in the world of relationships and so many act like spoiled little boys expecting wife to be Mother, Wife, Housekeeper, nanny, sex symbol and even in many cases, a door mat for him to wipe his feet on, and then expect to come home from work and have dinner ready and for them to do nothing to help.

I would listen to their moaning and whenever I was able to turn it all around and make the man realise what a selfish self serving asshole he was being and how his wife was NOT an unpaid slave and that she deserved time off and for him to ' step up' and hold the baby - they would be taken aback I had the nerve to tell them some truthful and accurate facts about how bad they were as husbands and fathers.

No one wants to hear that.

But: - When work is used as an excuse time after time, and when reminded that THEY CHOSE TO HAVE KIDS and therefore must take 50% of the responsinbility of raising them they should count their lucky stars she has not left and is claiming child support because the fathers actions are pretty selfish at the moment.

Men are the emotional cripples and women - truly - are the strong ones and any women acting all weak and feeble is doing so so her man can feel superior, when the fact is, women are a LOT more resilient while men are mere babies.

Throughout history the female spirit has been pushed under and even these days with some Muslim countries forbidding women an education, the ability to drive and move freely about and where in some countries they are even forbidden from seeing outside of the house as the windows have all been painted over - and this attempt by childish men unable to control themselves because they TRULY are emotional cripples, limiting their females any sense of self and knowledge of ' what is out there' - is a truly pathetic and childish manner for men to dominate. I know what they are afraid of - as women are equal to men and in many arenas, SUPERIOR TO MEN - and men are so afraid of that, so push women down and make them feel less when the opposite is the truth.


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