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Motherly love

"This morning, my sixteen-year-old nephew showed up at my door with a bag, looking devastated. He lives two states away and rode a bus to get here.

Why? Because my daughter decided the best way to deal with his coming out was to kick him out of the house.

I called my daughter, and she told me she doesn't want him back. She said some really mean things. I honestly thought I raised her better than that. Now my nephew doesn't want to come home either. I'm so angry at her that I don't want to write things I might regret, but honestly, I thought I taught her better.

My nephew is currently sleeping in his new room, and I'm not sure how to proceed.

The poor boy has had his world fall apart, but what can I say or do to fix it? He doesn't want to come back, my daughter doesn't want him back, and I'm all for having him live with me, but there's a lot that needs fixing.

Finally, my nephew is in therapy and has been enrolled in school. He has been placed in my care while child services process the paperwork. My attorney is handling all the necessary paperwork and believes there is nothing to worry about. My daughter is facing criminal charges for her actions. Child neglect is a very serious crime. Her actions reflect very poorly on her.

When she realized her income would be cut off and that she had committed numerous crimes, she began to plead, saying she had not meant to do it and that it was a spur-of-the-moment decision that she now regretted. Considering that she has already thrown away all of my grandson's clothes and possessions, this defense has not held up.

My grandson is doing well overall. He has made friends with my neighbors' children, who are the same age as him. We have repainted his room and he has chosen his own furniture. He has bought himself a PS4, which has become his sanctuary. He has decided not to join a group, and I will not force him. We are thinking of getting a puppy, because he loves dogs, but his mother has never allowed it."


My Mother threw me out when I was just 15. She found a Gay Times magazine hidden ( I repeat - HIDDEN ) in my room and she had no right to go sniffing through my personal stuff anyway. It was hidden.

I ran around to my best friends house and his parents took me in, and after phoning my mother and confirming I had actually been thrown out, and after a heated argument between the Mums, I was invited to stay with them and continue my schooling and be looked after by them. They were wonderful. They took my Mother to court for support of a minor and it bit her well and truly in the arse when the Social Services agreed for me to stay with them and where my Mother had to pay £240 a month towards my food and board and this was court ordered. Father never got a word in anywhere and Mother was the bully of the house and poor Father was abused terribly with her sharp tongue and vile manner.

I finnished school with A's for every subject, went to Uni and got all A's and went to Medical School and I have been a doctor - now specialist - for over 30 years. Mother wanted some of that - assumed - fame and glory that goes with having a son who was a doctor , but I resisted and shamed her at every opportunity I had. She also tried blackmailing me into paying them money - which was not forthcoming, and I do wonder what ever happened to her to make her such a hard nosed money grabbbing gay son hater - and I do feel sorry for her as just about everyone in the family tuned against her and other than my weak willed father, everyone has deserted her. I have tried so many times to get through to her bigotry, but she aint moving, so I ignore her these days and have nothing to do with her. Father I see and he is lovely, but - well, he is scared of her and ' goes along for a peaceful life.' He's actually a coward. So much for Motherly love then huh ?


My Mother was the best Fag Hag you could ever meet. I came out at 16 and had a much older (42) year old lover who I moved in with and my Mother was completely okay with it, just askling a few questions as to motive, care and so forth and she was right to ask. In the 50 years that she was still alive and saw me through numerous relationships and where she would join us for Christmas - a house full of gay men and my Mother - and she was in perfect heaven, as everyone loved her for her openess and she loved the attention. So it was a win win. Over the yeas she guided other Mothers of gay sons into acceptance and guided many through the trauma, as some saw it, of having a gay son. Not all Mothers are as open and as easy, but mine was and I shall always be eternally greatful.

Michael J.


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