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Nice short stories over a cuppa...

Here are some items I found 'on line' that either made me smile, made me cry or made me angry.y.

The Helsinki-Toronto flight was carrying 400 passengers, but due to an airline mistake, only 200 meals were loaded, leaving the crew in a difficult spot. Thankfully, a quick-thinking flight attendant came up with a creative solution.

About 30 minutes after takeoff, she addressed the passengers: “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m not sure how this happened, but we have 400 passengers and only 200 meals. If anyone is willing to skip their meal for someone else, you’ll receive unlimited complimentary wine for the rest of the flight!”

Six hours later, she made another announcement: “Ladies and gentlemen, if anyone has changed their mind, we still have 200 meals available!”

Moral of the story: Wine lovers are truly some of the most generous and kind-hearted people! 😊


Flying back from Mallorca on Jet2, the pilot said on the intercom:

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I have some good news and bad news. The good news is that we’re ready early and we’ve made it with plenty of time for our departure slot. The bad news is that unfortunately it seems the Spanish air traffic controllers have decided to walk out in solidarity with striking French controllers so we currently have a 2 hour wait. However, to ease the boredom, I’ll step out of the cockpit and you can all come up, sit in the pilot’s chair and be shown around by the first officer who’ll answer any questions you have”

The second I saw him come out of the cockpit I sprang out of my seat to get to the front of the inevitable queue and had a good chat with the FO while sitting in the seat. My impressions were that the cockpit of a 737–800 is a lot smaller than you’d think and that the seats are pretty difficult to move.

After 90 mins the pilot is on the intercom again:

“Folks, unfortunately we’ve been told we have another 2 hours, 45 minutes wait (huge groans from the cabin)Only joking, we’ve got to get going quickly so back to your seats and buckle up soon as you can! "(cheers from cabin)”

The pilot landed pretty hard in Birmingham and 10 seconds after reducing reverse thrust was back on the intercom:

“I’ve just been informed that my landing was a bit on the hard side. I don’t know what the fuss is about, it seemed fine to me. But apologies to anyone with loose fillings”


Someone spotted a guy carrying his dog and, curious about it, asked him why he was doing that. He replied with a warm smile,

"I carry him in my arms because it’s really hot, and his little paws are sensitive. I don’t want them to get burned on the asphalt."

What a lovely gesture! It totally blew me away.


We all have choices in life and some choices are irreversible once made. You can always divorce if unhappy. You can always move house if you don't like the neighbours. You can always change jobs or supermarkets or even your car. You can change your hair colour and style as you can change your outlook on life, death and the universe, ( sadly in many cases, you cannot change your family ) but once you change your physical sex and have your knob and balls lobbed off or a fake knob replacing your vagina, there really is no going back and you MUST REALISE you are limiting yourself to a life that will never be the same again, in many ways. This is the biggest decision of your life and to those who do go through with it, I wholeheartedly admire your guts, but only if you do it for the right reasons. Why you then feel the need to scream and shout about being trans and constantly living on and in the trans world, once you are the man or women you always wanted to be - why not vanish into society as the man or women you always wanted to be and stop the screaming and shouting and doing your trans community no good at all with such bad attitudes that just destroy any good work done ? If misgendered or mis pronouned, GET OVER IT - laugh and see the funny side of it. It's going to happen so get off your high horse and BE REAL BABES.... The rest of us do not need to hear you constantly harking on all the time. Hitler attacked the trans long before he went for the Jews. Trump is going after the trans community as a start to something bigger. Be warned. The more you make a spectacle of yourself, the more people take notice and the more - wrongly I must admit - but the more you paint at target on your own back for the haters.


SUGGESTION; Go out and immediately buy a dog or borrow some one elses to walk right around the neighbourhood of your local mosque, and do so in all innocence.... as who the fuck do these people think they are and where the fuck do they think they are ? If you don't like our lifestyle, then fuck off back where you came from as we - quite simply - don't want your sort in our country. lum And talking about being disrespectful - How about being respectful to the country that has offered you asylum and a safe harbour from whatever it is you are running away from ' back home.'

How about you learn some decent manners and gratitude and shut the fuck up or fuck off. PERIOD.


A few weeks ago, we took part in one of the most challenging and complex rescue operations we’ve ever faced. On a Friday evening, we were notified by a community herder in the Milgis area about a heartbreaking situation: four elephants, including a mother and her three calves—5 years, 2 years, and just one week old—were stuck in a community well. Tragically, the 5-year-old calf had already passed. At the time, the Reteti team was in the middle of another rescue in Kalepo, where we successfully reunited a calf with its mother. But as soon as we could, we rushed to Milgis.

Upon arrival, we learned the elephants had been trapped in the well for two days. The mud surrounding them had already dried, and the area is known to be home to many lions. It was nothing short of a miracle that the mother and two of her calves were still alive. The mother elephant appeared deeply depressed, having lost one calf and unable to reach the youngest, which was stuck behind her. Initially, she was aggressive and defensive during the rescue attempt, but as we safely removed the first two calves, her demeanor softened. She began to drink water from the well and even helped push the tractor scoop.

I don't know about you, but I do get all emotional when I see and read about such instances where animals need human interaction to help them. Elephants are such loving family orientated creatures and griev the loss of family members.


John Wayne and Dean Martin became close friends while filming The Sons of Katie Elder. They had already worked together on Rio Bravo and stayed friends for the rest of their lives. Wayne once said, "I'd be lying if I didn't tell you that I love Dean. He's been my friend for the best years of my life. He's done for me what he's done for millions of people all over the world. Like so many of you, I feel good every time I see him. I'm entertained by him, I laugh with him, and even laugh at him."

While they were filming, Wayne had a health scare with cancer, and Dean said, "Someone else might have laid around feeling sorry for themselves for a year, but Duke just doesn't know how to be sick. He's recovering the tough way. As for me, when people see me, they sometimes say, 'Oh, there goes Perry Como.' But there's only one John Wayne, and no one mistakes that.


He went to London, but after a long tour of all the major bookshops in the city, he was unable to find the book he was looking for.

Then, on the way back, something incredible happened.

While waiting for the tube at Leicester Square station, he noticed a book abandoned on the seat next to him.

It was "The Girl from Petrovka Street."

As if the surprising coincidence were not enough, what the Welsh actor naturalized in the United States had found was not just any copy.

When Hopkins later met the author of the novel, he told him about the unusual episode. Feifer showed interest and said that in November 1971 he had lent a copy of the book to a friend.

This copy had been annotated by Feifer himself, in preparation for the novel's publication in the United States, indicating the terms to be changed ("labour" to "labor" and so on). However, the friend had lost that copy in Bayswater, a district of London. A quick check of the annotations in Hopkins' copy was enough to discover that it was indeed the one that Feifer's friend had lost.


"I think people in the UK and most of the world are jealous of us Americans as we are the Land of the Free. "

What an absolute dumb American this is. France, Spain, Germany, Sweden, Ireland - well:- All of Europe actually - and New Zealand, Australia, Canada, South America, Mexico, Japan as well as the UK are all LANDS OF THE FREE - you dumb shit. You are NOT the only country to be run as a democracy and unlike the USA, our democracy is not under threat by your very own President who lies, cheats, rapes, molests, belittles and patronises anyone and everyone that disagrees with his paranoid delusional view of the world and you, my dumb American, are a sad and bad example of the very good, the enlightened and the globally aware Americans that are a delight. I am glad to say you are in the minority as most Americans are more aware than you are as to world affairs. Sadly though, too many dumb ones believed the Trump bullshit and will live to regret it. I suggest you educate yourself and stop making a damned fool of yourself with such moronic and clearly delusional clap trap in future.


John: I received this in the mail today and is a complete scam.

I do not have a TV and do not watch on a lap top or any other devise. I simply do not watch any live broadcast. I also know this is a scam as it is not even addressed to be personally and I have lived at the same address for over 50 years. These sort of threats by the TV Licensing board are just that - empty threats and if they ever come to my home and claim they have the right of entry to check if I do actually have a TV and am lying and defrauding them, they have to have a signed warrant from a judge or magistrate or else - then they can FUCK THE RIGHT OFF.

I am nearly 80. I have paid my dues. I don't watch TV as I am not interested in the rubbish they show these days. I willnot, even at my advanced age, allow bullies to bully me. So the letter went in the recycling bin.

George FW.


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