Palm Springs & San Francisco for Christmas
Dear John

HERE ARE A COUPLE OF YOUR E MAILS - and although we received over 100 e mails and cards etc wishing us well, and thanks to everyone who took the time - MUCH APPRECIATED - these ones below stuck out to be shared.
John: I spent Christmas and New year with friends in California ( San Francisco and also in La La Land ) and we went to friends of theirs on Christmas Day ( there was a12 of us in all ) and when asked where I am from, and I said the UK, the host said he had been to the UK a couple of times and both times stayed at this wonderful and slightly esoteric and mad place called Hamilton Hall - and did I know it ?
I said in fact I did and we were both slightly amazed that we both knew you, and you became the centre of conversation between everyone for at least an hour. I showed them your web site and Blog and it made for a great conversation, and ( apologies ) he said a lot about you being an Ex Hooker - and how he admired what you had achieved and how you were not what he would have imagined as a hooker in any way and it changed his view of those working in the sex industry.
You are famous John. I cannot avoid you. You are known even the other side of the world. Coincidence... talk about syncro-destiny.
John and Hamilton Hall. Here is a quick note to wish you a Happy New Year! I have yet to meet you in person, or come to Hamilton Hall, but I enjoy your newsletter. And I am glad that there is a place like Hamilton Hall. I am not sure if I will make it to the UK in 2025, but if I do, Hamilton Hall will be one of my first stops.

I thought of you on Christmas Day. I was in Palm Springs, California, now a gay mecca, full of gay porn stars (and likely a few straight ones), and handsome L.A. types for a holiday of cruising, and plenty of older guys (like us) taking in the sites. I was there chasing after a boy (if you can call a retired college professor of Shakespeare a boy), who I knew would be there. We had a couple of dates when I met him last summer in Montana, but haven't even kissed yet. So who knows where that will go.
I didn't stay at one of the men only clothing optional gay resorts (and yes these places are popping up here like mushrooms on an old log) but the airbnb where I had a room could easily have turned into a substitute with the right mix of guests. Didn't quite during my stay, however.
I was feeling a little down on Christmas day, not sure if he was interested, away from my family, alone in the world. I logged on to a gay hook up site and was contacted by a guy who said he would love to give me a massage. I was skeptical, because I've had come ons before from those who want to be paid for sex (no offence to the profession, but I don't pay for sex). He sent me his address, then said he couldn't see any of my pictures because he is blind.
But he didn't ask for money. So I decided, what the fuck? I've got nothing better to do.

I showed up at his place. And yes, turns out he was blind. We felt our way along. After some make out I asked him if I could give him a massage. I rolled him over on his stomach so I could massage his spine with oils I had brought, with my hands, and my hard dick as I straddled him. I asked him if he wanted me to fuck him and he said yes. So I did. I didn't cum. Which is not uncommon for me, as I usually have to wank on my own for that to happen. But sex for me is about the journey, not the destination, and giving to my partner. And he told me he liked it very much. After a good workout I pulled out, still hard, to see if he wanted more. He got off the bed, so I figured I would be on my way soon.
Then he said, "now it's my turn." I rarely bottom, so I wasn't sure what he had in mind. "Step into the next room and lie down on the massage table." He spoke to the computer to dim the music and the lights, and the ceiling looked like a field of stars with wispy clouds blowing past them. He proceeded to give me the most sensual of massages. Complete with Tibetan singing bowls and gongs. And a happy ending to boot. That is a Christmas I will not forget.
So here is to good health in 2025. I am glad to hear that you are recovering. I don't always agree with your rants (which of course is what I call all opinions that I don't agree with), but mostly I do. So thank you for all your posts (rants included), and your positive attitude. Gods know we will need it for the next U.S. administration. Too bad the American electorate didn't.
I want you to know that you are appreciated. And damn you are sexy. Still.
Dear John. Loved the Christmas and New Year Newsletters, such a joy to receive every Sunday. It really does cheer me up and make my Sundays complete. I usually get up around 10am and make a cuppa, roll my first puff and sit up in bed and read and sometimes wank to your Blog.
This Christmas I ordered some things ' on line' and I know this sounds like some porn film, but the guy delivering the parcel, I felt, was cruising me and was a little over friendly, and I just thought maybe it was because he was foreign, and I made it obvious I was gay and 4 hours later there was a knock at my door and he had returned, this time with a different package in his hand and it was certainly an impressive package.

He said he had never done this sort of thing before and could he come in and talk, but we got very little taking done for he just dropped to his knees as soon as I shut the door behind him and begged me to feed him my cock, and considering his claim to be a virgin, he was real good as munching down on my meat.
He was a really sexy man and yet, didn't seem aware of how sexy he was and I found that to be such a massive turn on. Here was this - Romanian - built like a brick shit house with a nice big knob and he didn't know his worth.
I did, I totally appreciated his worth and had a great evening of sexual discovery for him, and utter pleasure all round.
So John, that was my Christmas. He came back the next evening - and the next and every evening all over the Festive season and not sure where this is going , as he is learning about gay sex and will want to experiment elsewhere and I am guiding him about the gay scene and how treacherous it can be, how like a mine field it is and how it is full of not very nice people , and to be very wary, and he understands and is learning fast.
So Happy New Year to you John and at 68 years of age, I feel blessed to have had such an experience at Christmas, It aint every year I can assure you.

John: I met someone who knows you. Gary from Glasgow. He says he has stayed with you several times. Met at a friends house over Christmas. Seven of us in all. Hamilton Hall was mentioned and it took off from there. Were your ears burning as a lot of very lovely things were said about you and HH. I was in Glasgow and your fan club extends all the way up here. I can see why. Happy days John and all the best to you and your Santas helpers. Martin.

This was my first Christmas alone since my partner died back in August. I have never felt so alone after almost 30 years together. On Christmas morning while feeling sorry for myself, your Newsletter came through and it did cheer me up, it really did, and I read it all, from cover to cover and have made a New Years Resolution to come and visit you - as I have never been - in 2025. So watch out for an old fart visiting in the spring. Kenneth.

My Christmas plans went out the window because of train problems and my car breaking down 2 miles from home and it all started out a disaster. Stress mounted. So I cancelled everything and stayed home. Christmas morning found me merrily laughing at your Blog. It cheered me up and to think you had such an interest in others that you work so hard and offer so much of yourself, and all for free, and I am astounded John, truly astounded at how you do it all. I was and am, very grateful.
I shall visit in the New year. Thomas.


John: I stayed with you over 10 years ago. My name is Adam and I stayed with my partner terry who sadly passed away. I have just turned 80. Apologies for not coming again sooner, it has been a strange 10 years for me with family problems. I totally get your Newsletter and do admire the work you put in. Hopefully in 2025 I can come stay again and take of your great hospitality. Adam.


well aint that a fat ass....

You are forced to have sex with one of these guys - against your will of course - which would you choose ?

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