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Russian cleric blames fear of 'gay parades' for Putin's attack on Ukraine

Fear of gays is only a fear of themselves. If you are secure in your sexuality you have no reason to fear or persecute anyone at all. Showing your fear is showing your own inner feelings of actually being the very thing you scream against.

Most of the international community rightly rejects Vladimir Putin's justifications for his brutal attack on Ukraine - that he needs to keep his neighbor to the west out of NATO and that he is seeking to "de-Nazify" the country. In a sermon on Sunday, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church put forth a bizarre new explanation: the war is necessary to save eastern Ukraine from the gays.

Writing in The Bulwark, the Cato Institute's Cathy Young notes that he began his clerical career in the Soviet era and long has been a champion of the communist state. In his sermon the patriarch declared:

'For eight years, there have been efforts to destroy what exists in Donbas. What exists in the Donbas is a rejection, a principled rejection of the so-called values that are now being offered by those who lay claim to global domination. Today there is a certain test for loyalty to that power, a certain pass into that 'happy' world, the world of excessive consumption, the world of illusory freedom. Do you know what that test is? It's very simple but also horrific: it's a gay parade.'

The Russian church leader's remarks fall right in line with comments recently made by the likes of Steve Bannon, who recently praised Putin on his podcast for not being “woke” and said that “they don’t have the Pride flags” in Russia.

Perhaps most ironic about the cleric's remarks is that eastern Donbas isn't exactly a region of tolerance and freedom and, therefore, in need "saving" by Putin's war machine. Freedom House gives it a “freedom rating” of 4 out of 100, ahead of only North Korea, Syria, Tibet, Turkmenistan, and South Sudan.


John Bellamy Responds:

So there you have it. Because gay men like to suck cock and get butt fucked, as well as having a FABULOUS taste in music, fashion, décor and clothes, as well as putting on a FABULOUS PRIDE PARTY each year, Putin spends billions to - er - defeat the gays - drive them out and do what - exactly - as spending billions and mass murdering men, women and children in order to rid the country of Pride Marches and from ' the gays' seems a little paranoid and fear based - to say nothing of being some what ' over the top ' and when any man is so fearful of ' the gays ' - then it tells me this man desperately longs for male company and male sexuality but is scared shitless and so damns and destroys the very thing he so desired.

I love these straight men who shit themselves over a gay man. I love the way they are so scared of a puffter - and run away in fear. What sort of fuckups are these so called straight men... Big Nancies...

TRUTH: Any man who is so scared of gay men - is gay himself and living the lie. PERIOD.

Homophobia comes from those who only fear themselves as being gay and so turn on those ' out and proud gays' out of resentment and envy. PERIOD.

Fear of gays is only a fear of themselves. If you are secure in your sexuality you have no reason to fear or persecute anyone at all. Showing your fear is showing your own inner fear of actually being the very thing you scream against.

This Cleric truly is NOT a man of God at all but a fuck up, a mess of a human being, a tosser and a dangerous one at that as he will have his followers who believe the crap he spews and will act in accordance to his words, and as his words are dangerous, no good can come from people like him - and CLEARLY - his actions are UN GODLY IN THE EXTREME AND YOU CAN CALL IT GOD, ALLAH OR WHATEVER YOU LIKE, this man is evil.


THANK YOU JOHN FOR EXPOSING THE HYPOCRISY OF THE PATRIARCH THE RUSSIAN ORTHODOX In a sermon on Sunday, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church put forth a bizarre new explanation:the war is necessary to save eastern Ukraine from the gays.





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