Saint Anthony - Patron Saint of Lost Things
I lost my mobile phone recently.
I searched everywhere and twice the car.
John Bellamy

Just as I was about to give up - Woody my staff member said to pray to Saint Anthony who was the Patron Saint of Lost Things, and while I do not believe in this, I did one day do a little prayer in my mind to St. Anthony and - FUCK ME - the very next morning I went to my car and there it was - staring me in the face down beside my seat in clear and plain view.
I thanked St. Anthony and re charged my phone.

When I visit London in my car to see friends, it is hard parking near their house as the traffic is appalling in Earls Court BUT if I ask the Angels to save me a nice parking space near his home, wo and behold, there is usually one right there for me.
I truly believe in the power of prayer whether to St. Anthony, to the Angels or just to the Universe as I do believe whomever you say it to, it is heard and if right, will be answered, it is just some times we do not hear or witness or accept the answer and then complain your prayer wasn't answered, when in fact, it was.
In 1998 and 1999 - the Gay Spiritual Group which I had started and ran with a committee and 550 members, hosted a massive conference where I rented the entire University of London Union Building and put on a total of 28 workshops throughout the day with lunch and refreshments and everything for around 200 people. It was a nightmare dealing with the incompetent university and all the various workshop hosts wanting things - and the university badly let us down with a lack of staff on the day, but on both occasions - the night before - I prayed and I prayed for the success of the day and I prayed hard almost to tears - and BEHOLD, both were sensational and fully supported, went more or without a hitch - except the universities ineptitude of fucking up both years - and my prayers were more than answered.
The University both years offered a 30% discount on the costs because after I vehemently complained and threatened with legal action and to report them to the Health & Safety people as they had left over 200 people in the building with one security staff member who we could not find as he was - apparently - in some back office some place watching the sport on telly, and if anything had gone wrong we would have been in serious trouble. No door staff. No cloakroom staff. Yet I was paying thousands of £ to rent the venue and their incompetence seemed to know no end.
Maybe I needed to pray to St. Anthony so the university could find the level of professionalism offered and charged for but then not offered and a massive discount offered to make amends. When people moan to me about something I am reminded that a whole floor at the university was staffed by professional conference organisers, yet here comes this hooker from Hammersmith who had more clue, more idea, more common fucking sense and a grossly more professional approach to business than professionally trained staff.
The power of prayer is indeed reward in - and of - itself.
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