Summer Can Be Dangerous for a Nudist
Summer Can Be Dangerous for a Nudist
Being a male nudist can be risky business, especially if you're the type who likes to sit in those plastic slotted chairs. You know the ones I'm talking about – those flimsy chairs with the plastic slats that always leave imprints on the backs of your thighs.

Now, imagine sitting in one of those chairs in your birthday suit. It doesn't take a genius to realize that there's a pretty good chance that one of your more sensitive body parts could get caught in one of those slats. Ouch! That's a whole new definition of "stuck in a chair." That's exactly what happened here. This gentleman had to be rescued by the Miami EMS after his nuts went through the slots. (This photo is a few years old and is just to demonstrate the dangers.) So, guys, next time you're tempted to sit bare-bottomed on a chair, be sure to throw down a towel – or at least stick to the grassy areas!
Thanks to Go Naked for this.
Nick Vannello
GoNaked Magazine
P: (323) 762-5336