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Trump News: A weekly mix to amuse, disgust and educate.

yYou cannot ignore what is going on with global politics.
yYou cannot ignore what is going on with global politics.

Thank you John..the past weeks news letter is spot on in the political news...thank you, I only hope soon someone dies what us necessary to rid our world of king shit Trump.

Thank you my friend. 

Hugs to you

M. Grafton Ohio USA

John. Good to see you understand the trouble we are in with Trump. This lunatic is destroying not just the USA but our main friends, Mexico and Canada. This Hitler, sorry, this Trump is the Anti Christ to everything we Americans hold dear and those who follow and believe in him are just the uneducated ' huddled masses' who feel disenfranchised by everything and anything good and decent. And all this within the first 100 days as president as well. Where the fuck will this end. D. Sarasota, Florida.

John: My frinds assume Trump and his actions will not affect us here in the UK and seem deaf to the dangers WE ALL FACE because of this man and his Russian benefactors. What is wrong with some here in the UK that they assume because it's not on their door steps, they are immune. Richard- Clapham.

The world does no longer trust USA for anything, especially trade. They are retaliating by not buying American, by finding other markets, by making trade agreements with other countries, even China. And why not?

USA (Trump) is trying to claim world superiority with bullying and threats. He is saying, “ if you want my cooperation, you will obey, or I will punish you. “ He claims without USA ie, TRUMP, the world will not survive. He is like the abusive husband, convincing his spouse that without him, she is nothing.

Well, the abused wife is beginning to realise she can survive without constant threats and abuse. …Even within America, voices are shouting in dissent….not too many yet, but they are loud, and growing in number.

Trump is ruling via executive orders( decree) and claims he can do anything that way… heck with the courts, forget congress…..his word is law!

Canada is fighting back…..Europe is fighting back. Ukraine is refusing to kiss his backside ……. Others promise to band together, to help one another… to resist Trump.

China is benefiting from all this.

Russia is delighted.

Trump is getting ready to chop down America’s Forest. He is going to try to disobey all the things in place that protect the environment, and that protect endangered species by one of his executive orders, (decrees). Is that even legal? Will congress allow even this?

Trump is not only destroying democracy, he is going to destroy the environment, the beautiful forests, and National parks. Is nothing except money and power important to this destroyer in chief? Will he not be happy until he is sitting in a wasteland , full of oil fields and chopped down trees? He is far, far more destructive and dangerous than anyone ever imagined. He is going to destroy everything and everyone, to try and prove his power.

Trump will not last his full term. Not because of elections. Not because of scandals. But because he has done the one thing no leader can do and survive: he has made himself bigger than the machine that created him.

The Ukraine meeting wasn’t just a blunder—it was a declaration of war, not against a foreign nation, but against the very order that keeps leaders in power and ensures their safety. He has done what no American president has done before—shaken the world’s foundations in a way that even his allies cannot ignore. NATO isn’t just a military alliance; it is the thread that has held global power together since 1945. And he is snapping it, strand by strand.

The system is patient, but it is not merciful. There are men whose names will never be known, whose influence is never written about, but who determine which presidents rise—and which ones fall. These men do not forgive. They do not warn. They do not lose. And Trump, for all his bravado, for all his victories, is stepping into a space where there is no precedent but one—what happens when a leader becomes too great a threat to the equilibrium.

His inner circle is not a government; it is a fortress of the damned, filled with men and women who stay close out of necessity, out of fear, out of the knowledge that when the end comes, proximity might mean survival. But history is unkind to emperors without an empire. The purges, the firings, the dismantling of the security apparatus—this isn’t a reformer cleaning house. This is a man sawing off the very branch he sits on. And when it breaks, there will be no one left to catch him.

At 79, Trump is no longer playing for policy or power. He is playing for immortality. He has won every battle, defied every expectation, and shattered every prediction of his downfall. He believes himself untouchable. He is wrong.

Because men who reach too far, men who stand alone, men who decide that they are the system rather than a part of it—these men do not get to die peacefully in their beds. They do not get to fade away. They are removed.

History does not care how many elections he has won. It does not care how loyal his base is. It does not care that the courts have failed to stop him. History cares only about balance. And when balance is threatened, it is restored—not with votes. Not with impeachments. But with force.

The clock is ticking, and Trump is standing on a stage built by ghosts. And if he does not step down, if he does not fall in line, the stage will collapse beneath him.

Because there is one truth, written in blood across time: when a leader becomes too dangerous to the system, the system eliminates the leader.


Let’s see.


On the one hand, we have this guy who during his youth pranced around in a ‘military’ uniform (ROTC I think you call it).

The guy who, at age 70, made a doctor declare he was the best fit POTUS the US had ever seen, but who, at the age of 22, developed bone spurs (convenient, huh?)

The guy who made statements that he would have ran unarmed in a school if there was an active shooter present, yet who hides in a bunker when people with cardboard signs show up.

The guy who hasn’t served a day in the military, yet is willing to spend thousands (if not millions) of his nations money on a military parade in his honor. The same one who called POW’s “losers”, and stated he didn’t like them because he prefers “winners”.

That’s right, those men who dared to go to war, and were tortured for years, those are the losers. The guy with the ouchie in his foot, which was arguably a “diagnose on command”, he’s the true American Hero.

On the other hand, we have this guy who started out as a comedian. Who took on the job as president and who was President when Russia invaded his country.

The guy who is scolded because he “didn’t wore a suit” (neither does president Musk, but who cares, right?)

There he is, on the front line. Not hiding in some bunker, and trust me, they’re coming at him with worse than cardboard signs.

He stands with his people and his nation, and is going all-in, not only with the lives of his soldiers, but also in his own.

He went into the office of (arguably) one of the most powerful people in the world, and he refused to let them insult him, nor did he allow them to force him into selling out his country. He stood up against all the verbal assaults by both Trump and JD Vance, and took his responsibility as president serious. Sure, he could have signed off, given Putin everything he wanted (as demanded by Trump), but anyone familiar with the concepts of responsibility and self-respect understands why he didn’t, and admires him for taking a stand.

Trump doesn’t have the guts to speak out of line against his best bud Putin, Zelensky, aided by the military of (what Russia believed to be) “little Ukraine” are still fighting the Russians off, while protecting their homes.

Do you seriously need to ask which one of these guys has “balls”?


Shut up about egg prices” –

Donald Trump goes off deep end about collapsing economy

Bill Palmer | 10:46 am EST March 8, 2025

It’s only taken six weeks for Donald Trump to send the US economy into a tailspin, with consumer prices skyrocketing, the stock market dropping, and consumer confidence plummeting. So what is Trump’s answer to clean up the mess he made? Even more tariffs. Also, he’s getting rather defensive about how bad things are getting.

This morning Trump shared an article on social media with the headline “Shut up about egg prices.” Uh, no, nice try. The media made the 2024 election entirely about the price of eggs, insisting that they were too high under President Biden. Now that Trump’s disastrous policies have made eggs (and other consumer goods) far more expensive than ever, you’d better believe we’re going to keep talking about it.

This gives away that Trump is truly out of ideas. No cognitively competent person would watch the past six weeks play out and then decide that the best way forward is to enact even more tariffs while suggesting that the American people “shut up” about the economy.


Greenland is on the back burner because they told him to fuck off.

Canade is part of the 'Commonwealth of Nations' which is a voluntary association of countries that work together to promote democracy, human rights, and prosperity. The Commonwealth includes countries that were once part of the British Empire, as well as other countries that have chosen to join. 

Panama is on the other back burner because they also told him to fuck off.

Canada is on the left front burner because they told him to fuck off.

Mexico aren't taking his shit either, no-one is.

He seems intent on getting rid of a couple of Gazillion Gazan’s, probably building concentration camps and gas chambers in advance. Some will be put to work on his “Middle East Riviera Project”, the rest will be sent for a shower.

Then comes Ukraine, he seems to have some kind of deal going on with Putin regarding minerals, rare earths and fossil fuels. Zylenski is a very clever tactician so Donald should not be counting his chickens too early.

The latest brainwave is that Donald wants back all of the equipment left behind in Afghanistan, and he’s going to get it all back using military force if necessary. Good luck with that!

Donald has these brainwaves every two or three days and each one seems to fall on it’s arse ready for the next one.

No wonder he’s so pissed !

Here is trump above, clenched fists and screaming. Who does he remind you of ??


In 1832, the Supreme Court, which interprets the Constitution, ruled that the State of Georgia could not remove the Cherokee Nation from their lands. President Andrew Jackson supported the State of Georgia, and is said to have remarked:

Justice Marshall has made his decision. Now let him enforce it.”

Which, of course, he couldn’t. The power to execute and enforce the laws lies in the Executive branch, not in the Judicial or the Legislative.

The Constitution only has power if there is a faithful executive in power to enforce it. If the President, as the Chief Executive, is intent on ignoring the Constitution, and if he replaces all the heads of the various federal agencies with yes men who are loyal to him rather than to the Constitution (which Trump is doing), then that Constitution becomes as potent as 1-ply toilet paper.


Well, the short version is I don’t know what is or isn’t going through Mr. Trump’s head at any given time. But I can tell you that the United States will never invade nor attack Canada. The very idea is obscene. But more than that, it’s utterly impossible.

The US Army has a formula for the size of force that would be required to occupy a country. The formula takes into account various factors (logistics, topography, population, area, and so on). For Iraq, a country of 20 million people the size of California the formula said it would take 300,000 soldiers. And Iraq’s terrain (almost entirely plains) made it easy to occupy. And, initially, in 2003 the population largely welcomed liberation from a nasty dictator.

Then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld ignored the formula, the occupation was always undermanned, and the result was a bloody insurrection that lasted almost a decade.

For Canada, the formula says a minimum of 800,000 troops. Given Canada’s immense size, varied geography, and challenging terrain, a more realistic estimate is twice that — over 1.5 M soldiers.

The US Army has 440,000 active-duty troops and another 490,000 reservists.

In other words, occupying Canada would take at least 80% of the entire US Army active and reserve force, and likely 150% of it. And the cost would be enormous; Iraq took somewhere between $760B and $1.1T, to support 150,000 deployed troops for seven years. That works out to something like $1M/deployed soldier/year, so occupying Canada would cost between $800B and $1.5T/year.

So it’s ridiculous. But more than that, it’s utterly obscene to even suggest it.

In all of history, powerful countries have never had good relations with their neighbors, and they don’t in the world today. And two powerful neighboring countries are always at each other’s throats.

Except Canada and the US — and Canada, make no mistake, is a very powerful country by world standards. These two countries have forged not just a friendship, but the greatest partnership in human history. It was put best over 85 years ago by FDR: “Americans know Canadians aren’t foreigners: they’re just Canadians. And, similarly, Canadians know Americans aren’t foreigners — they’re just Americans.” This is a partnership that is so close, so seamless, that we don’t notice it — until some clown threatens it.

Canadians have fought alongside Americans in every war since WW II. When Americans were stranded after air travel shut down after 9/11, Canadians took them into their homes. Canada and the US operate a joint military command — the North American Air Defense Command. We operate joint national parks. And the border between the two countries? It looks like this…

And this…

And this…

People can literally hold hands across the border:

800,000 Canadians live in the US. 970,000 Americans live in Canada.

We’re not foreigners. We’re family. And like all families, the actual ties between us aren’t the thousands of small agreements we make and live by daily, but an overarching consensus — we will treat each other with respect, love, and consideration, and the well-being of other members of the family is as important to each of us as our own well-being.

Family is precious, and between nations it is heartbreakingly rare. Alone among the nations, our two peoples have built a family. Above all else, let us keep it.


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