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woke culture and pronouns

Woke, the African-American English synonym for the General American English word awake, has since the 1930s or earlier been used to refer to awareness of social and political issues affecting African Americans, often in the construction stay woke.


Beginning in the 2010s, it came to be used to refer to a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial injustice, sexism, and denial of LGBTQ rights. Woke has also been used as shorthand for some ideas of the American Left involving identity politics and social justice, such as white privilege and reparations for slavery in the United States. ( which is clearly dumb...)

The phrase stay woke was uttered in recordings from the mid-20th century by Lead Belly and, post-millennium, by Erykah Badu. The term woke gained further popularity in the 2010s. Over time, it became increasingly connected to matters beyond race such as gender and identities perceived as marginalized. During the 2014 Ferguson protests, the phrase was popularized by Black Lives Matter (BLM) activists seeking to raise awareness about police shootings of African Americans.

After the term was used on Black Twitter, woke was increasingly used by white people, who often used it to signal their support for BLM. The term became popular with millennials and members of Generation Z. As its use spread internationally, woke was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2017.

By 2019, the term was being used sarcastically as a pejorative among many on the political right and some centrists in Western countries targeting various leftist and progressive movements. It has been used to disparage actions as superficial or insincere. Subsequently, terms such as woke-washing and woke capitalism emerged to criticize organizations who advertise their commitment to social financial gain, also referred to as "performative activism".

What is another word for being woke?

Aware, conscious, evolved, inclusive, politically correct. ( or just bloody annoying prats...)

The Urban Dictionary, which published its original definition two years prior to the official dictionary, defines it as “being woke means being aware… knowing what's going on in the community (related to racism and social injustice)”. In other words, it means to be awake to sensitive social issues, such as racism.




If someone expects me to use a pronoun I disagree with, then I will not use it.

If someone is transitioning and has a different name, then of course I will respect and use that new name.

I have had numerous friends simply change their names, not their sex, and I always use their new name.

However:- If someone wants to be referred to as a cat, then I shall expect them to eat cat food out of a bowl on the floor and use a litter tray. They and Them are plural and bad English .. I will not buy into such open displays of mental health and where I am expected to buy into it as if it was correct. It is not.

If you are a parent and you allow your child to assume they are something they are not, and it is not just in play time, then you are responsible for fucking up your own child and YOU are not setting a good example.

If you think a trans man can sire a child or a trans women can carry a baby, then you are really delusional as they cannot. Only a naturally born women has ovaries, a womb and all the ' equipment' to have a child as only a man born as a man can produce sperm in order to cause and create a child - and no amount of surgery for trans can make that different.


A women who has half transitioned to become a man but who still has all the ' lady parts down there' - may have a hairy chest and a beard, but she is STILL a biological female so OF COURSE SHE - SHE - CAN HAVE A BABY and she is NOT A MAN HAVING A BABY. If She has fully transitioned, then he has no womb or ovaries and is now more a man than he was and with respect, I will call her - HIM...

After death - in the grave, the bones will always show male or female - PERIOD - and if you have had surgery to alter your body, that all rots away and shows a male or female skeleton of your birth - PERIOD.

There are too many screaming about their pronoun and

If you demand, you do not get.

If you scream, you get ignored.

If you insist then we walk away.

If you assume, then you'd be wrong.

I do not give a damn what you want and what you demand as otherwise, I shall insist you call me SIR - MASTER and you sure as hell won't go along with that while expecting us to adhere to what you want...

It doesn't work that way.

Anyone claiming to be anything other than male or female - is delusional and is offering a mental health as normal, and normalising mental health is not helping anyone. Now: Being male or female does not mean that is who you feel inside to be, and I respect that, but however you may see yourself, you are still either in a male or a females body - PERIOD - and people see you as such and DO NOT scream at me because ' inside' you feel you are the opposite to what you appear. That is for YOU to sort out and appreciate peoples difficulty with your appearance.

You don't take someone to court and get them fired from their job simply because they mis pronouned you, as what kind of fuck up is that?



To those who claim a woman can have a penis are mentally unbalanced and I am NOT willing to go along with such madness.

If you are trans and have all the operations, I TRULY admire and respect you and your choices and of course, you are now a lady or a man, but not if you start screaming at me that you can have a baby when you cannot, or that you were mis pronouned - BIG FUCKING DEAL - GET OVER IT.


Do NOT expect me to adhere to stupid pronouns - ( ie cat, bat, ) as you just make yourself look foolish and I am NOT going down that road with you. PERIOD.

I am not against trans or any alternative lifestyle but when it is made out to be 'normal' and where blatant and dumb dumb dumb lies are repeatedly told as truths , and where we all know it is a load of bollocks, then people need to stand up, speak up, and speak truths and if said truths hurt, then learn and grow and realise we are not all suffering 'issues' and we are not all dumb enough to assume you are a cat or anything other than male or female, be you trans , non binary or whatever. YOUR CHOICE, DO NOT THROW IT AT ME.

You STILL have an asshole. You still have a vagina or penis. You still eat and shit like everyone else. Period.

I will never allow anyone to be referred to as a cat.

You are not special - You do NOT warrant special treatment and you MOST CERTAINLY are NOT going to get it from me. I will always respect and honour those who live alternative lifestyles, but not where I am expected to buy into something I do not agree with or is clearly some kind of delusional clap trap... as it sadly appears to be for many.

John Bellamy

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